Wednesday, June 09, 2004


People talk about getting married a lot when you're my age. Everyone NEEDS to get married. They don't know why exactly, but they NEED to. If you don't have a girlfriend in a few months people start to wonder about you. Give me a break! I spend more time with my computer, typing on the stupid little keys than I spend doing anything else, bar-none. Is this a good thing? I certainly don't know. I think my laptop has to hate me, more than I hate it because I'm constantly pushing and smacking the keys in an almost mindless repetition that makes me look as bad as a rat in a cage pushing the lever for food. How am I going to tie this into getting married you ask? Let me tell you, I'm already married ladies and gentlemen. My wife's name is "IBM T30". And let me tell you boys, I can't keep my hands off her! She sits on my lap at home so long it makes my legs burn, she wears my hands out so much they hurt when I go to bed, I stare at her so hard I think my eyesight is going. She whines when I don't remember to do the things she wants like plugging her in or when I try to leave the house with her (wireless connection goes out). My point is computers have replaced women! I'm not saying I'm all for this, I'm saying I think it is happening. Just think, just like everyone thinks we need to get married, everyone thinks they NEED computers! I'm warning you now, populations of developed countries are way down in our generation! Computers have replaced women! Something must chage.

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