Sunday, July 11, 2004

Ohio vs. Kentucky

I am moving to Kentucky at the end of August. That leaves me with around six weeks back here to finish up all the things I’m doing and pass them off into capable hands. To people here in Ohio, Kentucky is the big joke, I’m sure out in the more liberal areas Ohio is considered all farm land. It is interesting how we always think we’re superior to everyone’s living standards. No matter where I am, everyone is always trying to compare where they live to somewhere else saying that we are better somehow.

Although we all know in our scientific heads that the ground composition doesn’t really affect people’s intelligence, we assume that dumb people must live in other geographic areas. I think quite the opposite is true, everyone’s dumb. What makes a person dumb is not their grades on the ACT or the IQ test, because everyone has areas that they excel in more than others.

No, what makes people dumb is sin. The more you want to deny you have it, the dumber you really are. Smart people are people who willingly acknowledge that they are in fact hindered by sin and ask God for help with it, and others for grace.

Think about it, why to we pull the, “we’re better than you” deal? Pride. Where does this type of pride come from? Sin. Why is Ohio better than Kentucky? Why does it really matter if Ohio State beats Michigan? Why does it matter who wins the World Series? Why does it matter what brand of clothing you wear? What kind of car you drive? If you hang out with the “in” group? Where does your value come from?

Where does your value come from?

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